1. The family never agree about _____ shares of the property.
A. her
B. their
C. his
D. its
2. I haven’t read ____ of the last three chapters, so I know little about them.
A. any
B. some
C. something
D. nothing
3. This kind of machine made in China _____ very well abroad.
A. sells
B. was sold
C. is sold
D. has been sold
4. She speaks English with a Chinese ______.
A. voice
B. tone
C. accent
D. noise
5. I always _____ English radio broadcasts.
A. listen to
B. listen
C. hear
D. hear from
6. The queen will visit the town in May, ________ she will open the new hospital.
A. when
B. then
C. while
D. but
The last time I _____ Jane, she ____ cotton in the fields.
A. had seen, was picking
B. saw, picked
C. saw, was picking
D. had seen, picked
8. He went to the park in the evening _____ than in the morning.
A. rather
B. better
C. instead
D. farther
9. Do you know the boy ____ is standing over there?
A. whom
B. who
C. what
D. that
I like these English songs and they _________ many times on the radio.
A. have been taught
B. have taught
C. are taught
D. taught
1. Hi Xiaoyan,
You want to know about my gym.
The gym is “New You”. The phone number is 020 791 1340. It’s near Oxford Circus.
There’s a swimming pool and there are a lot of classes. There is a yoga class on Tuesday morning and there are aerobics classes every evening. There is also a Tai Chi class, on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon between 2: 00 and 3: 00. There are lots of running machines and weights machines, but there aren’t any bicycles. There’s a sauna, but there isn’t a steam room and there are very nice showers and free cosmetics! The best time to come is in the evenings because there are a lot of trainers to help you. There are different ways to pay for the classes. You can pay by cash, credit card or cheque.
See you there?
1). When does the Tai Chi class start?
A.On Wednesday.
B. On Saturday afternoon.
C. At 2: 00 pm. on Wednesday and Saturday.
2). What is free in the gym?
A. Steam room.
B. Cosmetics.
C. Sauna.
3). Why is it best to come in the evenings?
A.Because there are a lot of trainers to help you.
B. Because there are less people.
C. Because there are more classes.
4). How can you pay for the class?
A. By credit card.
B. By cash.
C. Both A and B.
5). When can you go to aerobics class in “New You”?
A.On Monday morning.
B. Every evening.
C. Everyday in the daytime.
1. All the animals started to argue against each other.
A. 错误
B. 正确
2. I believe that if you want to learn English well, you cannot wait for your teacher to put knowledge into your head.
A. 错误
B. 正确
3. The more English material that you have around you, the faster you will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin “thinking in English.”
A. 错误
B. 正确
4. Exercises to improve flexibility can protect you against injury from sudden movements.
A. 错误
B. 正确
5. His blending of Eastern and Western styles has greatly influenced 20th-century filmmaking.
A. 错误
B. 正确

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