






1. Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of London?

A. The cultural centre

B. The business centre.

C. The financial centre.

D. The sports centre


2. Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four nations, but is quite well-known in the world for _________.

A. its most famous landmark, the “Giant’s Causeway”

B.its rich cultural life

C. its low living standards

D.its endless political problem


3.Why did the British government decide to replace the power-sharing policy with “direct-rule” from London?

A. The power-sharing policy was not accepted by the majority of Protestants

B. The Northern Irish Parliament could not govern the power effectively

C. The Power-sharing policy couldn’t be carried out

D. All the above


4. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the House of Lords?

A.Lords do not receive salaries and many do not attend Parliament sittings.

B. It consists of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal.

C. The lords are expected to represent the interests of the public

D.Most of the lords in the House of Lords are males.


5. Which of the following parties in Scotland still wants an independent Scotland?

A. The Labor Party

B. The Liberal Party

C. The Scottish Nationalist Party

D. The Conservative Party


6.Who was the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?

A. the Anglo-Saxons

B. the Normans

C. the Vikings

D. the Romans


7.Which of the following is NOT related to the Constitution?

A. It is a written document which lists out the basic principles for government

B. It is the foundation of British governance today.

C. Conventions and Laws passed by Parliament are part of the Constitution.

D. The common laws are part of the Constitution.


8. Under whose reign was the Bill of Rights passed?

A. James II.

B. Oliver Cromwell

C. William of Orange

D. George I


9.Which British king was executed in the civil war?

A. James I

B.Charles I

C. James II

D. Charles II


10. How many counties are there in Northern Ireland?

A. 26

B. 6

C. 32

D. 20



1.The Home Rule Bill was finally passed in ____1___, but the process was overtaken by _____2_____ and was suspended for the duration of the war.</p>

<p>The doctrine of the “divine right of kings” held that the sovereign derived his authority from ____3_____, not from ___4_____.

1). 1.______

A. 1874

B. 1914

C. 1918

D. 1945


2). 2.______________

A. the Second World War

B. the Civil War

C.the First World War

D. the War of the Roses


3). 3._________

A. his people

B. his army

C. his ministers

D. God


4). 4.__________

A.his subjects

B. himself

C. God

D. his army



2.The full name of the United Kingdom is the _____1____ and _____2_____.

The capital of Scotland is _3 , which is well-known for its natural 4 .

1). 1._________

A. beauty

B. United Kingdom of Great Britain

C. Northern Ireland

D. Edinburgh


2). 2._________

A. Edinburgh

B.Great Britain

C. Northern Ireland

D. Beauty


3). 3._________

A. London


C. Liverpool



4). 4._________

A. beauty

B. resources

C. reserves

D. Gas



1. Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.

A. 错误

B. 正确


2. The Commonwealth of Nations includes all European countries.

A. 错误

B. 正确


3. “Ulster”, referring to Northern Ireland, was once an ancient Irish Kingdom.

A. 错误

B. 正确


4. It is no doubt that Britain is the oldest representative democracy in the world.

A. 错误

B. 正确

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